Creating a slimmer, more contoured upper arm

Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)

As we age, the upper arm can begin to sag with gravity, skin laxity, and thinning skin. Significant weight loss can also contribute to this. Despite rigorous arm exercises and diet, some patients find that they cannot tighten and tone their upper arms because of this laxity. Patients tend to hide their upper arms by wearing clothes with sleeves or not wearing bathing suits because they are embarrassed. This loose skin and excess fat on the arms can be both unattractive and uncomfortable.

Fortunately, an Arm Lift Surgery in Palm Harbor, known as Brachioplasty, can improve the contour of the upper arm, resulting in a slimmer, more toned look. Many of Dr. Moraitis’ arm lift patients from Palm Harbor and Clearwater frequently say their self-image is improved and their clothing options have increased.

Arm Lift Procedure

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Isidoros Moraitis, performs upper arm lift surgery in Palm Harbor as an outpatient procedure at one of the local hospitals or surgery centers. The procedure can vary based on your individual needs, but typically takes 2.5-4 hours. The length and placement of your incision depend on the amount and location of excess skin to be removed. Dr. Moraitis offers both Mini Upper Arm Lift and Traditional Upper Arm Lift Surgery. A consultation with Dr. Moraitis at his Palm Harbor office will help determine which procedure is suited for your individual needs.

Mini Arm Lift

The mini arm lift may be an option for patients who only require minor revision to the skin on the upper arms. With a mini arm lift, Dr. Moraitis places a small incision in the axilla and removes excess skin and fat distal to the axilla. This procedure can dramatically improve the contour of the upper arm and make it more comfortable for patients to wear clothing that exposes their arms. The mini arm lift procedure helps patients who have developed some excess skin through aging and those who have lost a moderate amount of weight due to diet and exercise. For many bariatric surgery patients, a traditional Brachioplasty may be necessary to achieve the desired results, as a mini arm lift does not provide patients with the drastic revision necessary after extreme weight loss.

Traditional Upper Arm Lift

Many patients are bothered by drooping excess skin along the upper arm due to the loss of a great deal of weight through bariatric surgery or due to several pregnancies that have caused them to gain and lose weight over time. A traditional upper arm lift, or traditional Brachioplasty, is preferred if you have excess fullness and laxity that extends from the axilla down to the elbow. For this procedure, the incision is placed along the inner arm and may extend from the armpit to the elbow to remove the maximum amount of skin. If you have excess fat on your arms, Dr. Moraitis may recommend combining your Brachioplasty Surgery with Liposuction for the best results.

Let Us Help You Reach Your Aesthetic Goals

Make the decision to do something for yourself and pursue your personal goals when it comes to how you look and feel. Moraitis Plastic Surgery offers both surgical and non-surgical options to provide you with high-quality results tailored to your needs. Learn more and get started.

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Cosmetic Consultation in Palm Harbor

A cosmetic consultation with Dr. Moraitis to discuss your options for Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) Surgery at his Palm Harbor office can help you decide if it is right for you. If you are not a candidate for an arm lift, there are other non-surgical options available for you. CoolSculpting® Elite can help you get rid of stubborn fat on your arms, back, thighs, and other parts of the body. This procedure is available at Moraitis Plastic Surgery. Learn more about this new procedure by contacting our office at (727) 773-9796.

Dr. Moraitis serves many patients in Southwest Florida and his office is conveniently located just 15 miles North of Largo and 19 miles West of Tampa, FL. Dr. Moraitis performs surgery at many hospitals in Southwest Florida, including Dunedin, Tarpon Springs, and Clearwater, FL.

For more information on Arm Lift Surgery or to schedule a cosmetic consultation at our plastic surgery practice in Palm Harbor, please contact us by completing our contact form.

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