Breast augmentation can restore volume to breasts that may have lost fullness due to aging, weight change, or pregnancy. It can also help Palm Harbor and Clearwater women who have naturally smaller breasts achieve their ideal appearance with a larger size.

Dr. Isidoros Moraitis has more than 20 years of experience performing breast augmentation procedures for Palm Harbor and Clearwater patients. His surgeries promote natural-looking enhancement, youthful fullness, and a beautiful symmetrical shape. He tailors each procedure to the individual; with extensive practice in a variety of surgical techniques, he is able to guide patients to outcomes that effectively accomplish their personal goals.

What Can a Breast Augmentation Do for You?

A woman’s breasts naturally change with aging, but pregnancy, weight loss, and other conditions can also affect how they look. Over time, breasts can appear flatter and more deflated than they used to. By restoring breasts to a more youthful appearance and improving fullness, firmness, and symmetry, breast augmentation can:

Moraitis Plastic Surgery Palm Harbor Florida Breast Augmentation Feel Confident

Leave you feeling more confident in your appearance.

Moraitis Plastic Surgery Palm Harbor Florida Breast Augmentation Chest Clothing Fits

Improve how your clothing fits and what type of clothing you can wear.

Moraitis Plastic Surgery Palm Harbor Florida Breast Augmentation Symmetrical Breasts

Even out your breasts and make them more symmetrical.

Moraitis Plastic Surgery Palm Harbor Florida Breast Augmentation Increase Breast Size

Increase the size or volume of your breasts while maintaining natural-looking results.

Moraitis Plastic Surgery Palm Harbor Florida Breast Augmentation Satisfaction As You Age

Enhance your satisfaction with how your breasts look and feel as you age.

Moraitis Breast augmentation icon

Repair and restore breasts after breast cancer surgery.

Remember that breast augmentation does not have to be a dramatic change. Increasing the volume of your breasts, even a small amount, can leave you feeling more satisfied with your overall appearance. Dr. Moraitis will discuss how to effectively achieve your goals and set realistic expectations.

Let Us Help You Reach Your Aesthetic Goals

Make the decision to do something for yourself and pursue your personal goals when it comes to how you look and feel. Moraitis Plastic Surgery offers both surgical and non-surgical options to provide you with high-quality results tailored to your needs. Learn more and get started.

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Who is an Ideal Candidate for Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a popular procedure for women of all ages in Palm Harbor and Clearwater to enhance the volume and shape of their breasts. However, there are several criteria that patients should keep in mind when deciding to have surgery.

  • Your breasts have lost volume and are sagging, flattened, or asymmetrical.
  • You are dissatisfied with the size, shape, or firmness of your breasts.
  • You want surgery for your own benefit, not because you think it will please others.
  • You are at least 18 years old for saline implants or at least 22 years old for silicone implants.
  • You are in generally good overall health and do not smoke.
  • You are not currently pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • You are not currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer.
  • You have realistic expectations regarding the capabilities and results of breast augmentation.
  • You are able to take the necessary time to rest and recover following surgery.

Breast Augmentation Implant Options

During a breast augmentation procedure, Dr. Moraitis uses implants to add or restore fullness. He will recommend different types and placements of implants based on the patient’s needs.

Implant Type

Dr. Moraitis offers both silicone and saline implants to Palm Harbor and Clearwater breast augmentation patients. Both are safe and effective, but the two options tend to have different benefits:

Silicone implants

Usually feel more organic and are more durable than saline implants. Dr. Moraitis also recommends this option for patients who have limited breast tissue because silicone implants tend to look more natural beneath the skin.

Saline implants

May also look natural depending on their placement and the amount of breast tissue the patient has. They also require a shorter incision than silicone implants because Dr. Moraitis places them before adding volume.

Regardless of the implant type you choose, residual scars from breast augmentation surgery should soften and lighten over time with the postoperative treatment that Dr. Moraitis recommends.

Breast Augmentation Incision Options

Not all breast augmentation procedures are the same. Palm Harbor and Clearwater women have several options when it comes to where and how implants are placed, and this determines where the incisions are made. Although any scars will fade over time, Dr. Moraitis makes them as minimally visible as possible. Incisions can be made:
moraitis incision types

In the Bottom Crease of The Breast

This is called an inframammary technique, and the natural crease of the breast hides any scarring.

Around The Areola

This is called a periareolar technique, and the natural color of the skin helps conceal the scar. This type of incision is often used in conjunction with a breast lift.

Near The Armpit

This is called a transaxillary technique, and it avoids any scars on the breast itself.

Above The Belly Button

This is called a transumbilical technique, and it is also used to avoid scarring on the actual breast.

Breast Augmentation Implant Placement Options

Dr. Moraitis can position the implants in one of several locations. He will recommend an approach based on the frame of your body, the amount of breast tissue you have, and your desired result:

  • The most common option is to place the implant below the pectoral muscle. Implants positioned here are less prone to capsular contracture, tend to stay in position more predictably, and cause less interference with mammography testing.
  • Some Palm Harbor and Clearwater patients require lift as well as fullness from their breast augmentation. Placing implants behind the breast gland and above the pectoral muscle can achieve this result.
  • A dual-plane approach can limit the risk of an implant moving out of position and benefit patients who need a minimal amount of lift.

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Breast Augmentation Cost

There is no one set price for breast augmentation. The cost will vary from person to person due to a variety of factors. Understanding these factors can help you plan accordingly:

Type of implant

Silicone implants are more expensive than saline implants because of the difference in materials used and how they are manufactured. However, silicone can look and feel more natural.

Surgical experience

More experienced surgeons may charge more given their higher level of training and expertise and the quality of service they provide.

Surgery location

Fees can vary depending on whether the procedure is performed in a hospital or in an outpatient surgery center. The amount of time surgery takes and required anesthesia are also factors.

Dr. Moraitis will evaluate your individual situation to give you a more accurate price quote and discuss financing options if necessary.

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The Breast Augmentation Experience

The Consultation

During your initial visit with Dr. Moraitis, he will learn more about what you want to accomplish with breast augmentation, conduct an examination, and take a full health history. This comprehensive approach will promote the safety and effectiveness of your procedure. Dr. Moraitis will also talk with you about your options with implants and work with you to prepare a personalized treatment plan.

The Day-of Experience

General anesthesia will allow you to sleep through breast augmentation surgery. The length of your procedure will depend on the placement of your implants and if you are also having a breast lift. During the surgery, Dr. Moraitis will tailor the implant pocket in a way that will give your breasts natural-looking and attractive fullness. He will also place the implants with the Keller Funnel®—a “touchless” approach that helps minimize the chance of capsular contracture.

The Recovery

After surgery, you may feel heaviness, pressure from swelling, and sensitivity in your breasts and surrounding areas. You can likely take part in low-impact activities 3-4 weeks after breast augmentation and increase their intensity at about week six. Avoid heavy lifting until about 6-8 weeks after surgery.

Incisions typically leave a fine line scar that should become subtler with massage, topical ointment, and, if necessary, laser treatment. Your breasts will be noticeably larger immediately after the surgery, though it will be about 4-6 weeks before they take their final shape. At that point, you can expect a fuller, natural-looking appearance in line with your goals.

Learn more about your options with breast augmentation. Palm Harbor and Clearwater patients can contact Moraitis Plastic Surgery online.

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