It can be frustrating to have an exercise regimen and follow healthy eating habits — and still have pockets of stubborn fat that you cannot get rid of. To remove these fat pockets, you can turn to CoolSculpting®. CoolSculpting is a body contouring procedure that kills off fat cells permanently, allowing you to get the smoother, more toned look you want. 

At Moraitis Plastic Surgery, we have decades of experience offering cosmetic procedures like CoolSculpting. Learn more about this non-surgical procedure. 

The Benefits of CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting is a procedure that offers many benefits. 

Permanently and Naturally Eliminates Fat

CoolSculpting targets fat cells with cold temperatures, killing them off without harming other types of cells. Once the fat cells die, your body eliminates them permanently through the lymphatic system.

The Results Look Completely Natural

Since CoolSculpting utilizes your body’s lymphatic system to remove fat cells, you will see gradual, natural-looking results.

Slimming Effects Without the Downtime

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive procedure that does not require you to take any time off. As soon as you finish the procedure, you can return to your daily activities. 

Effective Non-Invasive Treatment

You do not have to worry about going under general anesthesia or even intravenous anesthesia. CoolSculpting is a completely non-invasive option. 

Experience 20% to 25% Fat Reduction

Studies show that CoolSculpting can help reduce fat in treatment areas by 20% to 25%. This effective treatment can offer the best results with multiple sessions. 

FDA Approved

The FDA approved CoolSculpting for abdominal and flank fat reduction in 2010 and later approved it to treat submental fat in 2015. 

Am I a Good Candidate?

Most people are good candidates for CoolSculpting. To be able to get the treatments, you must:

  • Be in overall good health
  • Have realistic expectations 
  • Have subcutaneous (pinchable) fat pockets
  • Be close to your ideal weight
  • Prefer not to undergo a surgical procedure
  • Not be pregnant

During your consultation with the CoolSculpting provider, we will assess the treatment areas to ensure that you can get the results you want from CoolSculpting. 

How CoolSculpting Works

To understand what kind of results you can expect from the procedure, it can make a difference to know how CoolSculpting works. Learn about the procedure itself, how many sessions you will need, what aftercare looks like, and when you can start seeing results. 

How Long Does a CoolSculpting Treatment Session Take?

Our CoolSculpting specialist will use a special handheld device with applicators. These applicators look a bit like vacuum cleaner nozzles. She will apply a gel pad and the applicator to treatment areas, gently moving the applicator over your skin. 

She will then massage the area to help break down fat even more. The entire treatment can take between one and three hours. 

At Moraitis Plastic Surgery, you can opt for DualSculpting, which allows you to get treatment in two areas at the same time. 

How Many CoolSculpting Sessions Will I Need?

How many sessions you will need to start seeing the results you want will depend on many factors, including your body fat percentage, your body fat distribution, the size of the treatment area, and your goals. Most people will need between 2-3 CoolSculpting sessions. 

What to Expect After Treatment?

There is no downtime after a CoolSculpting procedure. Most people can resume regular activities on the same day of treatment. You might start seeing results around three – four weeks after CoolSculpting, but you can expect to see optimal results two or three months after the session.

Can CoolSculpting Be Combined with Other Procedures?

Along with CoolSculpting, you can create a treatment plan that includes a breast augmentation, a tummy tuck, and more. You can even choose to include it in a mommy makeover. 

You’re in Good Hands With Us

At Moraitis Plastic Surgery, our clinicians are CoolSculpting-certified and have performed countless treatment sessions. 

Moraitis Plastic Surgery near Trinity, FL, offers reliable cosmetic procedures to help you achieve the aesthetic results you want. You can expect the most up-to-date CoolSculpting applicators as well as the best techniques to deliver quality results. Learn more about CoolSculpting today.