Many women from Tampa choose to have a combination of cosmetic procedures performed during one surgical session, commonly referred to as a mommy makeover, once they’re done having children. A mommy makeover can restore your body to its pre-pregnancy shape and boost your self-confidence.
Benefits of Mommy Makeover
While a mommy makeover is most often performed on women who have had one or more pregnancies, it can also be beneficial for women who have lost a significant amount of weight or who merely want to correct signs of aging on their body.
Some of the most notable benefits of this combination procedure are:
1.It Saves Time and Money
When you choose to have a mommy makeover at Moraitis Plastic Surgery near Tampa, you will save both time and money. Many people don’t realize that there are several fees involved with plastic surgery that are out of Dr. Moraitis’ control, such as anesthesia fees and facility fees. When you choose to combine plastic surgery procedures, there is a slight cost savings with both Dr. Moraitis’ fees as well as the facility and anesthesia fees.
On top of saving money, choosing to have a mommy makeover with Dr. Moraitis means that you’ll only have to recover once. That means your recovery process will be streamlined, and you will only have to take time off of your normal daily activities once!
2. It Provides Women with a More Dramatic Change
A mommy makeover gives Tampa women substantial change to their overall appearance at one time. If you’re looking for a complete makeover, and want to make a statement, let Dr. Moraitis help you reach your goals through a mommy makeover.
3. It Improves a Woman’s Self-Esteem
And finally, one of the best benefits of a mommy makeover is the improvement of one’s self-esteem. When patients see their final results and realize Dr. Moraitis has given them the silhouette they’ve been dreaming of, the overwhelming sense of pride and confidence can’t be beat!
Procedures that Can Be Included in a Mommy Makeover
When patients hear the term “mommy makeover,” they often wonder what type of procedures they can include during this procedure. The following are the most common types of procedures performed by Dr. Moraitis during a mommy makeover, as the breasts and abdomen are the most affected by pregnancy:
- A breast augmentation to increase the size of the breasts in a natural-looking way.
- A breast lift to improve sagging breasts and raise them to a more youthful position.
- A breast reduction to reduce the size of breasts that are so large they cause daily pain in the back, neck, or head.
- Liposuction to further improve the contour of the targeted areas.
- Tummy tuck to improve the tone and shape of the abdomen by removing lax skin and excess fat, and by tightening separated abdominal muscles.
While the above procedures are most common during a mommy makeover, some Tampa women choose to include other surgical and non-surgical procedures as well, such as:
- Nipple or areola reduction
- Butt lift
- CoolSculpting® Elite
- Botox
Is Mommy Makeover Right for You?
In order to find out if the mommy makeover procedure is right for you, the best thing you can do is make an appointment to see Dr. Moraitis himself. During this initial visit, you will have the chance to tell Dr. Moraitis about the areas of your body you would like to address and the changes you would like to see. He will then help you understand how you may benefit from a mommy makeover or give you recommendations for other procedures if he believes the mommy makeover isn’t the right choice for you.
What Is the Recovery From Mommy Makeover Like?
The recovery time from the mommy makeover surgery varies from person to person and depends on the type and number of procedures performed. However, most Tampa women will see their final results and be able to fully engage in their normal daily activities after about 6 weeks post-op.
Mommy makeover patients should expect some swelling and tightness with both tummy tuck and breast-related procedures. Be sure to keep your post-op appointments with Dr. Moraitis during your recovery so he can remove sutures and drains if necessary, and ensure you are healing well.
In order to minimize the appearance of scarring, Dr. Moraitis recommends using a scar maintenance regime involving massage and topical ointment. However, some women may find they benefit most from laser treatment if their scars remain prominent after a few months.
Pricing for Mommy Makeover
Because the mommy makeover procedure is so individualized, it’s cost can vary greatly from one woman to another. This is evident in the national average cost of a mommy makeover provided by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons website, which states that the final cost can range from $9,000 to $20,000.
Factors that affect the final cost of your mommy makeover will depend on:
- Moraitis’ fees as related to your combination of procedures
- Hospital or surgical facility fees
- Surgery related expenses such as anesthesia fees, post-surgery fees, and cost of implants if applicable
Schedule Your Initial Mommy Makeover Consultation
There are many reasons women in Tampa choose Dr. Moraitis for their mommy makeover and cosmetic needs. Namely, he is committed to his patient relationships. He invests significant time in helping his patients understand the mommy makeover procedure and ensures they are confident in their final decision. He makes himself accessible to patients before and after their procedure in order to answer their questions and respond to any concerns they may have.
Additionally, Dr. Moraitis focuses on providing natural-looking and attractive results for each patient. When preparing for the mommy makeover, he carefully crafts his treatment plan around each patient’s needs. His ultimate goal is to provide graceful rejuvenation and refinement for all of his Tampa patients.
Dr. Moraitis offers his patients more than 15 years of experience performing a variety of procedures, including the mommy makeover. He is well-practiced in many different types of surgical techniques. This experience and skill are what allows him to recommend treatment plans suited to each individual and conduct their desired procedures in such a way as to achieve their desired goals.
If you’d like to learn more about how Dr. Moraitis and his team at Moraitis Plastic Surgery can help you achieve your aesthetic vision, call his office today at (727) 773-9796.