In Palm Harbor, patients can choose implants of varying sizes. Patients can choose between small, medium, or large for breast appearance. Before a breast reconstruction, augmentation, or breast surgery, a surgeon can help patients choose a particular size. In what ways is sizing important? Here are 5 reasons size matters:
- Fitting the Frame
Patients have different body structures. When patients are sized for implants, plastic surgeons keep this in mind. They offer suggestions according to what best suits patients. Breast implant size can fit frames and also alleviate problems in the future.
- Fitting the Clothes
Some women desire a different fit in clothing. (Cosmetic patients may desire more volume or shape). The size of an implant can determine how clothing will fit. It is important patients keep this in mind when choosing sizes.
- Fitting the Trend
Smaller and natural appears to be a common trend in some areas. Trends are another breast size determiner. The size can determine a patient’s overall look: they may desire similar sizing to friends, family, or those around them. Whether noticeable or natural, implant size can offer a trending appearance.
- Fitting the Bra
Implant sizes are not the same as bra sizes; bra sizes are determined by cup, implant sizes are determined by cc. Nevertheless, the size of an implant can determine the eventual bra size. Cosmetic patients can choose their implants with a general result in mind. A general rule is that 150 ccs is equivalent to one cup size.
- Fitting the age
Depending on a patient’s age, they may be more inclined for one size over another. Older cosmetic patients may desire smaller breast implant size. Younger patients may opt for larger sizing.
In Palm Harbor Plastic Surgery, Dr. Moraitis offers sizing options for implants. During a consultation, he can show patients the results of different implant sizes as well as shapes or models. For more information about implants and sizing, call 727.219.9168.