Busted: Myths on Sagging Breasts

Sagging breasts. There are many misconceptions about the cause, as there are supposed remedies. Myth 1: Pectoral exercises like bench pressing will diminish the droop. Fact: While these exercises can enhance tone, they can’t change the shape or positioning of the breasts. A breast lift is the only viable option for returning breasts to their previous elevation. Myth 2: Breasts droop because of too much…

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Can you tighten skin without cosmetic surgery?

Drinking enough water, avoiding the sun, getting enough sleep and avoiding stress, avoiding cigarettes and vigilant attention to your diet and exercise are all the keystones for preserving the elasticity and radiance of your skin. But what if your skin has lost its elasticity and tightness? Is your only option cosmetic surgery? No. Dr. Moraitis in Palm Harbor, Florida offers patients a non-surgical procedure called…

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Considering Botox?

Think about it. Someone you know—or even you—has had Botox® injections. In fact, in 2013 there were over 6.1 million treatments using Botox. “Botox” is short for Botulinum Toxin, which is produced by a bacterium called Clostridium Botulinum. It has been used since 1920 but was marketed commercially in 1997. It has a wide variety of clinical uses to treat spastic muscle disorders, or an imbalance in eye…

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Do you suffer from “Angry Resting Face”?

“What’s wrong?” “Are you angry about something?” If you’re continually fielding questions like these from your family and friends, you could have an angry resting face. It’s not a real disease, but more and more women and men are finding that they suffer from it. Symptoms include pinched lines between brows (worry lines), stationary lines under the eyes (tired lines), Nasolabial folds (sad lines), shallow…

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The Post-Baby Body Blues

Recently, there’s been a trend running through the Internet: body acceptance. Without a doubt, pregnancy changes a woman’s body. And for every mommy-blog that encourages women to embrace their post-baby body and flaunt it proudly, the media leads women to believe that their bodies should be firm and taut immediately after giving birth. For every cheer that went up for Princess Kate proudly showing her…

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Here comes the sun!

You are probably in the habit of packing sunscreen for a day at the beach or pool. But the sun is up there 365 days a year, and you need protection much of that time to reduce your lifetime sun-exposure total. Everyday exposure counts; you do not have to be actively sunbathing to get a damaging dose of the sun on your face, neck, chest,…

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Who are you going to tell?

Let’s say you’re going to have cosmetic surgery. Perhaps a facelift or breast augmentation. Who are you going to tell? Your spouse? Your family? Your friends? Or no one at all. A recent poll from RealSelf.com, a widely respected informational website for people considering plastic surgery, revealed that nearly 20% of plastic surgery patients don’t tell anybody about their plans to undergo a cosmetic procedure….

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What’s driving the “Mommy Makeover” trend?

Is there some psychological reason as to why women choose to have a mommy makeover? And when choosing a plastic surgeon, which is more important: The ability to meet the patient’s emotional needs or competency? Without a doubt, pregnancy changes a woman’s body. Unfortunately, browse the Internet and you’ll find numerous photos of women with rock-hard abs holding a newborn. It’s hard not to feel…

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You’ve Lost The Weight. Now What?

Congratulations! You’ve won the battle of the bulge and have reached your goal weight. However, you probably are still not happy with your appearance, because the dramatic change in your weight has left you with saggy skin. At this point, it may seem like you just can’t win. You did everything right, and yet your body still isn’t where you want it to be. With…

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Are Your Breasts Begging You For a Better Bra?

Every woman has been there: finding the perfect bra. Take comfort in this statistic: more than 86 percent of bras don’t fit any body types at all. Whew! So how should a woman go about finding the perfect bra? 1. Breasts are like snowflakes—no two breasts are the alike, and even within said pair there could be serious discrepancies. It’s important not just to know…

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