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Medically Reviewed By Dr. Moraitis

Older Woman With Hands Crossed Over Bare Chest CopyWhen Clearwater residents decide to get a facelift, they want the results to last as long as possible. While individual results will always vary, you can expect your results to last as long as a decade, even though you’ll continue to age after the procedure.

There are a few well-known tips among plastic surgeons like Dr. Moraitis to extending the longevity of your facelift results. To help Clearwater patients understand how they can get the most out of their facial plastic surgery procedure, here are 4 tips to extending the longevity of your results. 

  1. Wear Sunscreen Every Day

You hear it from your primary care physician. You hear it from your dermatologist, and now you’re hearing it from your plastic surgeon. Clearwater residents need to wear sunscreen every day – especially on their face, which is always exposed.Sunscreen not only helps protect against developing skin cancer. Excess sun exposure without sunscreen use can cause you to age more aggressively. To maintain your results, wear SPF every day on your face, and continue to re-apply it throughout the day.

  1. Avoid Smoking

If you smoke, we know you’ve been lectured about quitting before. But for facelift patients, the benefits of kicking the habit for good extend from being healthier to looking younger for longer, too.

You see, smoking is known to speed up the facial aging process – especially the development of new wrinkles. If you invest in facial plastic surgery, you want your results to last for as long as possible. While you’ll always continue to age, smoking makes aging signs appear faster. For your health – and the aesthetics you desire – quit the habit for good.

  1. Eat Healthy

There’s nothing like a well-balanced, healthy diet to make your skin look great. This is especially important for facelift patients to consider. In order to maintain their surgical results for longer, plastic surgery patients will need to have all the daily required nutrients to maintain healthy skin. 

  1. Use Medical-Grade Skin Care Products

Chances are, before you considered a facelift, you were already using anti-aging skin care products to stop the signs of aging on your face. Even after surgery, it’s important to continue this practice. In fact, Dr. Moraitis recommends consulting with him to discuss prescription-strength skin care products to best take care of your facial skin following facial plastic surgery.

Schedule An Initial Consultation Today

Whether you’re ready to start the surgical process, or you want to ask Dr. Moraitis detailed questions about the procedure and how to extend the longevity of your results, the best thing you can do is schedule an initial consultation at Moraitis Plastic Surgery. During this appointment, you’ll be screened for surgery eligibility. Dr. Moraitis will explain the procedure and answer all your questions, and he will communicate his anticipated results given your unique facial presentation and current signs of aging.

To schedule an initial consultation, call Moraitis Plastic Surgery today at (727) 773-9796.