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Medically Reviewed By Dr. Moraitis

Female Belly With Marks Showing Fat Removal AreasMany women in the Clearwater area are affected by the unfortunate, and often painful, side effects of separated abdominal muscles after pregnancy. Separated abdominal muscles is a very common condition with about two-thirds of women experiencing it after their pregnancy, and if you have more than one child, you are more likely to experience diastasis recti. Keep reading to learn more about how Dr. Moraitis of Moraitis Plastic Surgery can repair these muscles in your abdomen through a tummy tuck procedure.

What Is Diastasis Recti

Medically known as diastasis recti, separated abdominal muscles occur when the two large parallel muscles in the middle of the abdomen do not come back together after being stretched during pregnancy. Women in the Clearwater area who suffer from diastasis recti are left with a bulge between the separated abdominal muscles. Though it is not dangerous physically, it can be painful, as the core abdominal muscles are severely weakened, which can lead to back pain. This condition can also lead to a hernia, which is when a part of the intestines bulges through the space between the muscles, causing pain and other medical problems.

What Happens During a Tummy Tuck?

Many people know that having a tummy tuck procedure results in a tighter, firmer abdomen, but they are often unaware that the procedure can also repair diastasis recti. Many women in Clearwater choose to have a tummy tuck when suffering from diastasis recti because they also often have excess fat and skin left over after giving birth.

During the tummy tuck procedure, Dr. Moraitis of Moraitis Plastic Surgery will make an incision from hip to hip on your abdomen. This provides full access to the skin and separated abdominal muscles that need to be corrected during the surgery. This incision is very low on the abdomen, and below the bikini line, so you’ll be ready to show off your perfect tummy at the beach.

After making the incision, Dr. Moraitis will then carefully stitch up the separated abdominal muscles providing a permanent fix for that post-pregnancy bugle that has plagued many of his patients despite strict diet and exercise regimens.

Once your abdominal muscles have been repaired, Dr. Moraitis will remove excess skin and fat from your abdominal area. Removing this excess skin and fat allows his patients to have the nice, tight abdomen they’ve so desired. After this, your tummy tuck will be complete and ready for that two-piece!

Let Dr. Moraitis Give You Relief

Dr. Moraitis is a dual-board certified plastic surgeon holding certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Surgery. He desires to help patients define and reach their personal goals by conducting procedures to help his patients achieve their desired outcomes. He and his highly trained and compassionate staff are ready to welcome you and answer any questions you may have about the tummy tuck procedure.

If you’re ready to be rid of the mommy pooch and the pain that comes from diastasis recti, call his office in the Clearwater area today at (727) 773-9796 to schedule your initial consultation.